Student Handbook
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Gulf Shores High School – Home of the Dolphins! This school year is full of opportunities for you to join in and aid in your success as a well-rounded student. Our sincerest hope is that your journey at Gulf Shores High School will be one you will look back on and feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Please take a few moments to explore this Student Handbook. Our intentions are to equip you with forms, policies, procedures, and a myriad of information to aid in your success at Gulf Shores High School. We would like to partner with all stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, staff, and community members by setting forth our expectations and focus of the year. We look forward to working with you to reach our goal of students reaching their greatest potential. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
GSHS Administration Team
It shall be the policy of the Board that no student shall be denied the benefit of any education program or educational activity based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, limited English proficiency, immigrant status, migrant status, or homeless status. A free and appropriate education is available to all students with disabilities. It shall be the policy of the GSCS Board that barriers to enrolling and retaining students with limited English proficiency, homeless status, migrant status, and immigrant status shall be removed, including but not limited to, the denial or delay of enrollment of such students due to lack of birth certificate, lack of school records or transcripts, lack of immunization or health records, lack of proof of residency, lack of transportation or guardianship or custody requirements.
Parents/legal custodians and guardians are responsible for the child’s attendance and conduct in school. Under Alabama Law, parents/guardians who fail to compel their child to regularly attend school or fail to compel their child to properly conduct himself or herself as a student in accordance with the written policy on school behavior are subject to sanctions or truancy hearings. Our parents/legal custodians and guardians are required to read and share with their child the Gulf Shores City Schools Parent and Student Handbook. The GSCS Code of Conduct can be found on the city school’s website at The parent/legal custodian and guardian confirms that they have read the handbook during the online registration process.
As the parent is a child’s first teacher, the parent should obey local, state, and national laws and should hold him/herself to high ethical and moral standards. They should be supportive of the local Board of Education and its employees who act in the public trust. This support should involve participation in the provision and maintenance of a high-quality instructional atmosphere in each of the city schools.
Students’ rights are:
To be informed of Gulf Shores High School’s rules and policies
Retain privacy of personal possession unless school personnel have a reasonable suspicion to believe the student possesses an item which is prohibited by the law or local board of education policy.
Expect a conducive learning environment.
The student’s responsibility is to follow the school rules set forth in this handbook and the Gulf Shores City School’s Code of Conduct. All students are expected to follow staff member’s direction, arrive to school on time, be prepared to learn and participate in class. Most students never have any problem if they do what they know is right. A few individuals, however, invariably commit acts that cannot be ignored. It would be impossible to make a list covering all possible acts that interfere with the orderly educational process that is essential to effective learning. The disposition of some incidents not listed must, therefore, be left to the discretion of school officials. Repeated offenses may result in additional corrective actions. The school’s rules and procedures are designed to allow students to be educated in a safe and orderly environment.
School wide/Classroom -
At Gulf Shores High School, we have high expectations of all students. All students are responsible for their own behavior.
• All students can respect the rights and property of others.
• Students’ behavior will not be allowed to interfere with the teaching/learning process.
Hallways –
Hallways are used for transition and should maintain order and peace. Cafeteria - Walk and talk quietly at all times.
• Use good table manners.
• Respect lunchroom personnel.
• Clean up after yourself.
Anti-bullying -
Students will not bully others.
• Students should report bullying to the adult. What is bullying?
• Bullying is repeated, unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived threat.
Field Trips and Extracurricular Events -
High expectations of GSHS student behavior extends off campus when it is a school related event, such as a field trip or sports event. All students are responsible for their own behavior and must remember that their behavior reflects on all of us. All students should respect the rights and property of others and be always courteous and kind.
School Wide Policies -
Learning can best take place in an atmosphere free from disruptive behavior. Each student must learn to accept responsibility for his or her own behavior with the full awareness of the consequences. We solicit your assistance toward our goal so that each child has a successful experience each day. We ask that each student show respect for the property of others, no matter how small.
While the Board offers, as needed, a system of student transportation, it also requires parents of students to accept responsibility for supervision until the child boards the bus in the morning and after the child leaves the bus at the end of the school day. Students must obey all instructions given by the driver and all school and Board policies while riding the bus. Students cannot leave the bus except at their regular stop without written permission from a parent and an administrator. Only at the time that a child boards the bus does he/she become the responsibility of the school district. Such responsibility shall end when the child is discharged at the regular bus stop at the end of the school day. When a child does not conduct himself properly on a bus, the bus driver will write a referral or bring him/her to the building principal, who may inform the parents of the misconduct and behavior. The principal or his designee will also discipline students as deemed appropriate. A child who becomes a disciplinary problem on the school bus may have his transportation privileges suspended or terminated in addition to the discipline outlined in the school discipline code. In such cases, the parents of the child involved will become responsible for transporting their child to and from school.
Good manners and cleanliness are required of all. Running to get in the lunch line is not appropriate; students must wait their turn without pushing, breaking line, or passing others. Students will be responsible for purchasing all food items obtained in the cafeteria. After eating, students must pick up plates and other trash and return them to the designated trash containers.
Excessive absences from school and/or classes have a direct negative impact on the academic success of our students. In a continued effort to minimize the number of absences students accumulate, late arrivals and early dismissals are strongly discouraged. Every effort should be exercised to keep the student in school for the entire day. Excessive check-ins or outs may result in additional measures being taken. All check-ins and check-outs will be done through the office. Students will not be admitted to class without an admission slip and must present it the following day to teachers whose classes were missed. Students must checkout through the office and receive an exit slip prior to leaving. Students can have a maximum of 3 check in and 3 check out parent notes per semester to be excused. Check-ins and early dismissals must be approved by office personnel and will be coded as excused or unexcused. If a check out is necessary, these procedures will be followed: • A note signed by the parent must be presented and the parent/guardian will be called by office personnel to inform them of the early dismissal. OR • The parent/guardian should come to the office and check out the student personally. 10 Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025 Students are not allowed to check out and leave with another student who is driving an automobile. Students checking out and leaving with another student’s parent or guardian must have prior written permission from his/her own parent/guardian and approval by an administrator. Only an excused check-in or check-out slip will permit classwork to be made up. In all other cases, students will receive a zero for missed work. An early dismissal day requires attendance for the entire day (no check-ins or check outs). Students will not be penalized for missing class while on a school-sponsored activity and will be allowed to make up work missed and will be counted present in class. Should a student become ill at school, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian. A student who becomes ill at school must report to the nurse’s office.
Parents are required to explain all absences in writing within 3 days of the student’s absence. An excused absence permits work to be made up and are as follows:
1. Student Illness
2. Inclement weather (as announced by the Superintendent)
3. Legal Quarantine
4. Death in the immediate family
5. Absence to observe traditional religious holidays, when verified by the student’s religious leader or minister.
Students are allowed 4 parent notes for sickness per semester. All other absences will require a doctor’s excuse. EARLY WARNING The Alabama Compulsory School Attendance Law (Sec. 16-28-3) requires children between the ages of six and seventeen to enroll and attend school. Alabama Code Section 16-28-12 was amended to require any parent/guardian who enrolls a student in school will be responsible for the child’s attendance and conduct.
Schools will follow the following protocol when absences occur:
1. First Truancy/unexcused absence Warning: Parent/Guardian will be notified via automated phone call informing them reminding them to bring in an excuse.
2. Second Truancy/unexcused absence Written Notification – Letter with legal notice of State of Alabama truancy laws and notifying them of future actions if truancies. continue.
3. Seventh Truancy/unexcused absence Early Warning Program at City Court – Certified Letter mailed to parent.
4. Tenth Truancy/unexcused absence Formal truancy petition filed
Gulf Shores City Schools Sick Day Exclusions Certain symptoms in children may suggest the presence of a communicable disease. Excluding an ill child may decrease the spread of the disease to others in the school settings. The decision to send your child home should 11 Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025 12 he/she becomes sick at school will be made on an individual basis based on the school nurse’s professional judgment. Recommended exclusion varies by the disease or infectious agent. Children with the symptoms listed on our website under School Nurse should be excluded from the school setting until symptoms improve; or a health care provider has determined that the child can return to the educational setting.
Students shall report to their individual schools no later than the beginning of the school day and be on time in all classes during the day. Class begins promptly at 7:50. Teachers will document attendance and proceed according to the code of conduct.
Due to the complexity of the master schedule and our ongoing efforts to accommodate the best possible educational environment, schedule changes will not be permitted after the start of a new term except under the following circumstances: • Academic Misplacement • Scheduling mistake on the part of the school
Students taking ACCESS courses are required to take all tests and quizzes during their scheduled class time. It is required that students test under the supervision of a teacher.
Students taking the driver’s exam must obtain an Enrollment/Exclusion Status Form from the school office. DUAL ENROLLMENT – Gulf Shores High School offers a variety of English, science, history, math, and elective courses in conjunction with Coastal Alabama Community College, University of Alabama, Auburn University, and University of South Alabama as dual enrollment. Students can attain high school and college credits simultaneously with the completion of the course in a satisfactory manner.
Mid-term and Final examinations will be given to students during the last weeks of the second and fourth quarters. Exams should be taken in each of the eight classes and shall not exceed more than 10% of the student’s semester average. Exams are to be given at designated times and not prior to dates.
Some courses may offer exams exemptions for final (December/May) exams. Criteria is based on attendance (no unexcused absences), discipline (no disciplinary infractions), and grade (B or higher). Some courses such as Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement (AP) courses are not exempt from Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025 exams. Teachers in all courses have the final determination on exemptions. Midterms are not to be exempt from any course.
FOCUS is a scheduled time in the middle of the day for students to take advantage of remediation, study hall, tutoring, or Dive-Ins.
All fees should be paid within the two weeks of receiving a fee statement or by the end of the current school term. Seniors must clear all outstanding financial obligations prior to being issued a cap and gown for graduation. All worthless checks returned to our account are processed by Envision Payment Solutions and must be cleared with their office. The GSHS office is unable to accept payment for any NSF check. If your check is returned, it may be re-presented electronically. Service charges and processing fees of $30.00, as permitted by state law, will be debited from the same checking account by paper draft or electronically, at the option of Envision Payment Solutions. Checks will not be cashed in the school office. LUNCH and BREAKFAST Child Nutrition and Wellness guidelines requires schools to offer well-balanced lunches to students in pre- kindergarten through twelfth grade. All parents/guardians should fill out the application for free and reduced lunches. However, all students in GSCS will be provided one breakfast and one lunch daily at no cost. No outside breakfast or lunch may be dropped off during the school day.
It is important to maintain academic honesty and integrity in each class. Academic honesty includes but is not limited to giving or receiving information from other students, copying and pasting from the internet, producing and submitting work originated from someone or someplace other than himself/herself. Violations could be subject to a zero on the assignment and informing National Honor Society. Some teachers may require students to sign an Honor Code.
At the beginning of each school year, each student must have a new health assessment completed via PowerSchool during the enrollment process. Immunization records must be accurate and up to date. PowerSchool /Parent Portal – Parents and students should utilize PowerSchool to view student’s grades, attendance, discipline, schedule, and demographics.
Canvas is our Learning Management System that will be implemented across the campus. Assignments, grades, and communication for parents and students will be housed on this platform. Each student will have a login and parents will be enrolled as an observer with their own unique login.
Students should remain on campus for lunch. Some juniors and seniors may gain the privilege of leaving campus for lunch. Students who are granted this privilege are required to follow the rules provided by the school. Outside lunches may not be brought back on campus. Please see attached forms for details. 14 Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025
The goal of the school regarding administration of medication is to assist students in maintaining an optimal state of wellness, thus enhancing the educational experience. In regard to both over the counter and prescription medication, students are prohibited from having either on his/her person Parent’s Responsibility The parent/guardian and physician must sign the Alabama State Department of Education School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form granting permission for a child to receive prescription medication at school. The parent/guardian must provide the school with medication that is in a correctly labeled prescription bottle container (which includes student’s name, prescriber’s name, name of medication, strength, dosage, time interval, route, and date of drug’s discontinuation when applicable). Medications will only be accepted in the original container. Medications received in a zip lock bag or not in the original container will not be given and parents will be contacted to pick up medication. The parent/guardian must provide the school with a new, signed prescriber/ parent authorization form at the beginning of each school year and/or before any prescription medication can be given at school. This consent form authorizes school personnel to assist students with medication. If the medication order is changed during the school year (e.g., change in dosage), an additional prescriber authorization/order is necessary. The parent/guardian or the parent designated responsible adult must deliver all medication to the school nurse or other school personnel as designated by the principal. The parent/guardian shall pick up student’s unused medication (when the medicine is completed, out of date, or at the end of the school year). The school nurse or designated school personnel will destroy medications not picked up by the parent/guardian in a timely manner. The parent/guardian shall provide nonprescription medication in an original, unopened, sealed container of the drug, identifying the medication and the entire manufacturer’s labeling plus the student’s name (written legibly on the container). Please provide medication, such as Tylenol, in smallest container available, to Mrs. April Barnett, at (251) 968-4747. Student’s Responsibility - Students must not deliver medications to the school. Students must have a signed order/authorization from a licensed prescriber and signed parent/guardian permission to self- medicate and carry medications on their person (i.e., Epi Pen, asthma inhalers, insulin). Students who have met the criteria to self-medicate will be able to identify and select the appropriate medication, know the frequency and purpose of the medication ordered, and follow the school’s self-administration procedures (e.g., safety and security precautions, proper labeling). Students will notify their teacher/nurse at the onset of any distress or allergic reaction. Nurse’s Responsibility - Screening programs include vision and hearing screening in grades kindergarten and second and scoliosis screening is provided in grades 5-9 (ages 11-14), as mandated by state law. Various health education programs are provided annually. Special emphasis is given to “hand washing” and “cough and sneeze etiquette” programs. Individualized Health Care Plans and/or Emergency Action Health Care Plans are developed for all students with chronic health care conditions. In order for a student to receive prescription medication at school, the parent/guardian and physician must sign the ALSDE School Medication Parent/Prescriber Authorization form granting permission to the School Nurse to administer the medication. The delegating registered school nurse must evaluate and approve all over-the- counter medicines and parent instructions. The parent or guardian shall deliver all medication to the school nurse in the original container with clear, current instructions. Should you have questions or concerns regarding this information, please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Melissa House, at 251-968-4747. The school nurse will provide treatment of minor injuries. If your child has or develops a temperature of 100F or higher, or complains of vomiting and/or diarrhea, you will be contacted to pick up your child from school. Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025 Please evaluate your child’s complaints before sending him/her to school. Children need to stay at home when they are sick.
Eligibility for special education and related services is based on a referral, diagnosis, and the state-wide placement process. To meet the needs of children with disabilities, certified special education teachers and related service personnel provide services for these children. Anyone can make a referral for special education services regarding a particular student to the PST or you may contact the Special Education Director at 251-968-8719.
The Gulf Shores Board of Education shall maintain an on-campus suspension program as necessary to provide a structured disciplinary atmosphere in which a student is isolated or removed from regular classroom activities but is not dismissed from the school setting. OCS PROCEDURES: 1. The student will be given class-related assignments by regular classroom teachers and expected to complete the assignments. 2. An assigned period of days will be given to the student. The student will not be counted absent from class while in OCS. The student will be able to make up any work missed in his regular classes. 3. OCS can be extended if assignments are not completed. Makeup work missed during the extension of OCS is not allowed. 4. Lunch/break will be scheduled at times when OCS students will be unable to associate with other students. 5. While in OCS, a student will be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities. 6. Students assigned to OCS will not be allowed to attend any assemblies, pep rallies, or other special programs that are held on the school campus during the school day except with administrative permission. 7. Teachers may send tests for the student to take during OCS or allow the student to make up tests upon return to class at the end of OCS. OCS RULES: • The student must report to OCS with all materials. • If a student is absent, sick, or checks out, OCS time will be made up. • OCS students may not talk, must stay in their seats, and be always occupied. If a student finishes all assignments, the OCS instructor has permission to assign additional work. • Students will not be allowed to leave the room to attend class or for any other reason unless authorized by the OCS instructor or an administrator. • Any student written up by the OCS instructor for being disruptive or displaying inappropriate behavior will be disciplined as determined by the administration. • Students may not have their phones while in OCS. LIBRARY The library is available for students from 7:30 – 3:30 every day. Students are encouraged to visit the library but are expected to maintain high standards of conduct that result in an atmosphere conducive to study. The library is an 16 Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025 attractive area that has been provided for your work and pleasure. Please help maintain the library by keeping your area clean. Food and drinks are not permitted in the library. Place all discarded materials in the trashcans and return any books, magazines, and newspapers to their proper place.
Makeup work/tests will be administered to students whose absences were due to reasons coded as “excused” according to policy. Students will have a maximum 3 days upon return to school to complete makeup work. It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher to discuss arrangements for makeup tests. If a student has an excused absence prior to a test, the student should be given time to get materials missed before taking the test. Students should take exams during designated days. Exams are not to be given early. Students who are not able to complete the midterm/final and have an excused absence, may make-up exams the week following the exam. For exams during the last week of school in December/May, students have 3 days to make-up exam.
Parents are invited and encouraged to visit the school; however, visits during the school day should be cleared through the office. Parent–teacher conferences are most important in improving the learning atmosphere. Conferences with teachers must be scheduled before or after school or during the teacher’s planning period. Parents are reminded that teachers cannot be called from class on the spur of the moment to discuss a student’s status. Conferences are to be scheduled with the individual teacher via note, e-mail, or phone call.
Students who fail a course are strongly encouraged to make-up the course in summer school or to consult with the counselor to discuss their options.
Outside date applications will be available in the front office and on the school website a few weeks before prom. You must turn in a copy of your outside date’s driver’s license or other official photo ID (with birth date) along with the signature of your date. It takes several days for approval, so those turned in during the last several days will have to pay the higher price for invitations. Gulf Shores High School students will have to present their ticket/invitation at the door. Outside dates will have to present the same ticket/invitation and ID used for approval of their application. Parents are welcome for the call outs and are expected to leave the premises after the crowning of the Prom King and Queen. Crowning of the Prom King and Queen will occur immediately after call outs. The students selected for the court must be present to receive the honor. If the winner is not present, then the person with the next highest number of votes will receive the honor. **ALL GSHS sponsored dances will adhere to the outside date procedure.
Student progress notifications (report cards) are not printed due do instant access to PowerSchool. It is important to monitor student progress as final grades are uploaded to transcripts and are calculated for GPA purposes. SCHOOL VISITORS Visitors must obtain permission from an administrator to be in the building or on school property and should: Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025 1. Sign in the “Visitor’s Log” in the main office giving name, time, and destination. 2. Always wear a visitor’s badge on the campus. 3. Upon completion of the visit, return the badge to the office and sign out.
Students from other schools will not be permitted to visit. Gulf Shores High School students may not visit other schools during school hours except for school-sponsored events. Pupils who are in violation of this are subject to disciplinary action and may be considered trespassing.
Unauthorized persons on school property are trespassers and shall be subject to legal prosecution. This includes students who are on suspensions or have been expelled.
Seniors will be allowed two (2) days and Juniors will be allowed one (1) day total during the school year for the purpose of visiting colleges. To be excused, prior approval is needed from the principal at least two (2) weeks in advance. Students must complete a college visit request form and submit the form to the office. After the college visit, the form must be re-submitted to the office as verification of the college visit. No college days will be approved on school-wide exam days. This includes standardized test dates. If you have any questions concerning attendance, please contact Cindy Veazey at 251-968-4747.
The parent/guardian or other persons having custody of a student to whom textbooks/MacBooks are issued shall be liable for any loss, abuse, or damage more than that which would result from the normal use of such textbooks/MacBooks. Textbooks/MacBooks will not be issued to students with outstanding financial obligations. Any textbooks, MacBooks, or library books found on campus will be turned into the office. It is the student’s responsibility to return all textbooks when the course is completed. Students will be given credit for the return of the specific textbooks/ MacBooks issued to them as indicated in the textbook computer program.
Students may bring cell phones to school.
Cellphones are prohibited from being used during instructional times.
Students may use cell phones before/after school, during transition, break, and lunch.
If a student is caught using a cell phone during instructional time without permission, the teacher or staff member will.
1st offense: Take the cell phone and give the student a warning.
2nd offense and beyond: Take the cell phone, write a referral to the office, and the disciplinary policy will follow accordingly.
Transcripts will primarily be processed using the Parchment protocol by visiting If circumstances exist that require an expedited process, the student’s counselor or the registrar must be notified personally. There is a nominal charge for each PRINTED transcript. Please note, transcripts issued to students/parents may not be accepted as official transcripts. Gulf Shores High School Student Handbook 2024-2025
Students who will be car riders will be picked up in the front of the school on 15th Ave. Students who are bus riders will be dropped off in the mornings and picked up in the afternoon behind the school at the bus ramp. Students are not permitted to ride home with other students on the bus.
The use of personal, wireless communication devices by students is prohibited during instructional time. Personal, wireless communication devices include but are not limited to cell phones, email devices, smart tablets, and other electronic communication devices. Gulf Shores High School and the Board assume no responsibility for the theft, loss, or damage to any device. Authorized personnel may approve usage during medical emergencies, natural disasters, or before/after school hours. School officials may read, examine, or inspect the contents of any such device upon reasonable suspicion that the device contains evidence of an actual violation of the law, of Board policy, the Student Code of Conduct, or other school rules, provided that the nature and extent of such examination shall be reasonably related and limited to the suspected violation. Students are not permitted to have personal devices connected to the school’s internet. The possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, tablets, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of a secure test. If a student is observed in possession of a digital device during the administration of a secure test, the device will be confiscated. If a student is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the student will cease, the device will be confiscated and is subject to search. The student will be dismissed from testing, and the student’s test will be invalidated. Local education agency (LEA) personnel will make all students, parents, and/or guardians aware of this prohibition through inclusion of this policy in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook and other regularly used modes of communication.
GSCS Expected Dress for All Students Gulf Shores City Schools in collaboration with the Gulf Shores parents, students, and employees have created the following dress code for Gulf Shores Elementary, Gulf Shores Middle, and Gulf Shores High Schools. The process was thoughtful, intentional, and focused on ensuring an updated dress code. Gulf Shores City Schools recognize the importance of student appearance, including the need to partner with parents/guardians in maintaining a positive learning environment that is free of distraction due to clothing and/or accessories. Students are expected to dress with respect toward self, family, school, and community using reasonable standards of cleanliness and decency throughout various situations. All students must follow the dress code while attending school, riding buses to and from school, and participating in school functions, unless otherwise indicated by the principal. Final dress code interpretation is at the discretion of the administration.
GSCS requires that students follow the following clothing and/or accessories guidelines:
Tops: ● No pictures, emblems or writings on clothing that are lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene. Attire or accessories that directly, by innuendo, or look-alike promote alcohol, drugs, sex, profanity, violence, gangs, may not be worn. ● Spaghetti straps and strapless tops are not permitted. No garments that are see-through or show midriff, lower back or cleavage. Fabric should cover your front, back, sides, and under the arms. ● No oversized or overly tight tops. ● Tank tops or undershirts are not permitted to be worn as tops. ● Tops and bottoms must overlap at all times, including when arms are raised.
Pants: ● No sagging or baggy fit and must be worn at the waist. ● No see-through pants/leggings may be worn. ● Leggings may be worn only under shirts or dresses that come to the top of the thigh. ● No oversized or tight pants. ● No holes in jeans in inappropriate areas. ● Sweatpants and warm-up suits are permitted. ● Pajama pants are not permitted.
Shorts: ● Must be visible under shirts. ● Spandex, biker, or see-through shorts are prohibited. ● Shorts must have a minimum of a four-inch inseam - including athletic shorts (i.e. - Nike shorts).
Dresses & Skirts: ● Spaghetti straps and strapless dresses are not permitted. ● Bottom of skirt and/or slit cannot go above mid-thigh. ● Elementary Students: Shorts/Leggings must be worn under all dress/skirts.
Shoes: ● Must be worn at all times and fastened properly. ● No bedroom slippers. ● Classes may require certain shoes. Example: P.E., Chemistry. ● Elementary Students: Tennis shoes or totally enclosed shoes are required for the school day.
Accessories: ● Hats, caps, sweatbands or other head covering will not be worn in the school building (religious and themed dress-up day are exceptions). Headbands are allowed but not as head covering. Students may have specific attire required for certain field trips, classes or labs.
Students are expected to adhere to these requirements as directed by the teacher.